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In the early years the name Bentley stood only for modified vehicles of the then Rolls-Royce Ltd. in England. Today Bentley Motors Ltd. is a company of its own and even a supplier to the British Royal Family. Accordingly the equipment and workmanship of the cars is more noble and comfortable in contrast to other car manufacturers. We know this too and take care of your royal vehicle during your speedo repair.

Bentley speedo repairs help fast & uncomplicated

Our employees have already gained a lot of experience in the field of Bentley speedo repairs and know how to solve which problem.

The most frequently performed speedo repairs at Bentleys dealt with the following problems:

  • Pixel error in the display
  • Lighting failure
  • Pointer failure
  • Warning buzzer defective/no sound when flashing

Perhaps you too have one of these mentioned problems around your instrument cluster or even a completely different one? We at Pixelfehler Hamburg can certainly help you. Have the faulty instrument cluster removed in a workshop and send it to us. Our team will try to repair it as soon as possible and send it back to you within a few days, ready for installation. If you want to carry out the repair yourself, we also have the right Bentley speedo spare parts for you.

Save up to 90 % with a Bentley speedo repair

With a defective instrument cluster, many people make the mistake of having to spend a lot of money on buying and replacing a completely new speedometer. However, this is only the case with very few problems, because a large part can be fixed by a simple speedometer repair. Whether it is a broken pointer or a non-functioning display, we only replace the defective components. This saves you a lot of stress, but above all a lot of money.